Week 11: Chugging Along

I know I say this every time I post something, but…time IS passing by quickly and I don’t even realize it. Wow. I’m panicking a little bit, to be honest. Anyways, let’s get to this week’s update!

As far as the project goes, I’m still working on it somewhat on and off as the weeks go by. Occasionally I’ll try to find a new source I can use, but I haven’t had too much luck. It’s not that sources don’t exist – plenty of them do – but the problem is that most of them aren’t scholarly sources (articles, journals, books, etc) that I can use for this project, and I’m assuming that the only reason why is because this is a relatively new topic. I won’t give up though!

In a few days I’ll be going out of town for a week, but I’ll do my best to keep working when I have some spare time. On a related note to the project, I’ll be using a VPN – Apple’s iCloud Private Relay service, which is still in beta – while I’m out and about, both for privacy and just to see how well it works!

Pretty neat, right? Although in typical Apple fashion, it only works if you’re
using their built-in browser, Safari. I use Safari regardless, but this feels like an
antitrust lawsuit waiting to happen.

Aside from that, I’m also working on, you know, what to actually write in my paper. I’d really like to go as in depth as I can. There may not be a minimum page requirement, but I personally wouldn’t want to turn something in that I feel is unfinished.

That’s it for this week. See you in week 12! Over and out.


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